Sunday, August 23, 2020
Portrait of a Fourth Grade Classroom Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
Representation of a Fourth Grade Classroom - Coursework Example Gullon (2005) sees that ââ¬Å"your study hall needs to fill an assortment of needs for an assortment of individuals and as such will require schedules and rules.â⬠There is additionally the need to guarantee that there is most extreme quietness consistently to encourage singular learning and mindfulness during exercise conveyance. Once more, neatness guarantees security and makes the class favorable for learning. At long last, in other to guarantee that faithful understudies are urged to set up great conduct and insubordinate ones are hindered from their terrible conduct, it is essential to comprise a prize and discipline instrument. Setting up a successful learning condition where all understudies accomplish learning results depends on the execution of an expansive scope of homeroom association and the executives systems (McBain, 2004, p.1). This recounts how significant study hall association is in the ordinary upkeep the homeroom condition.
Friday, August 21, 2020
History and Comparison of American Musicals
History and Comparison of American Musicals Ideal world is a perfect world state where everything which happens is great and there are no negative feelings like pity, outrage or envy to exist in it. The world is great and has each circumstance settled in the most pleasant way conceivable. Intentionally, or unwittingly, the human brain endeavors towards flawlessness to make a perfect world-an ideal world for itself. Be that as it may, all things considered, this is beyond the realm of imagination and this prompts a large number of feelings like misery, dissatisfaction, outrage, and so on which is something contrary to what an individual in ideal world should feel like. To bring back this feeling of perfect world even incidentally, people began anticipating the painstakingly developed perfect world through diversion, for example, theater, films, musicals and so on. In this article, I will analyze the movies Singing in the Rain by Gene Kelly and Stanley Donen and Meet Me in St. Louis by Vincette Minnelli as instances of exemplary American musicals against Moulin Rouge and Romeo + Juliet by Baz Luhrmann as instances of contemporary American musicals based on whether they fulfill the possibility of musicals being a type of getaway into utopianism. To begin with, I will utilize Rick Altmans The American Film Musical, which has spread out a significant number rules for a standard American melodic to dissect these movies and guarantee they fulfill those measures. Likewise, I will concentrate on Utopianism by utilizing Richard Dyer, in Only Entertainment. Two of the underestimated depictions of amusement, as departure and as wish-satisfaction, point to its essential point, to be specific utopianism. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) By utilizing amusement, people can disappear to the domain of ideal world however this domain isn't created by utilizing models of idealistic universes, rather it is delivered with sentiments and feelings. Dyer guarantees that, It consequently works at the degree of reasonableness, by which I mean a full of feeling code that is normal for, and to a great extent explicit to, a given method of social creation. This code utilizes both illustrative and non-authentic signs. (Dyer, Chapter 3, Pg. 18) Utilizing Dyers words, I will likewise attempt to investigate the authentic and non-illustrative indications of the movies referenced previously. Meet me in St. Louis is an American melodic which was discharged in 1944 with a genuinely straightforward storyline which focusses on an upper white collar class family with their four little girls and a child. It is situated in St. Louis, Missouri in the year paving the way to the 1904 Worlds Fair and experiences the battles this family faces and how they defeat them together. The American film melodic is known to have a double center story. As Altman says, in The American Film Musical, Rather than focussing all its enthusiasm on a solitary focal character, following the direction of her advancement, the American movie melodic has a double center, worked around equal stars of other gender and profoundly unique qualities. This double center structure requires the watcher to be touchy less to sequence and movement for the result of the male/female match is completely ordinary and hence very unsurprising however to synchronization and correlation. (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 19) Altman additionally says, Though the conventional way to deal with account accept that structure becomes out of plot, the double center structure of the American film melodic gets from character (Altman, Chapter II, Pg. 21) In Meet Me in St. Louis, there is a double center story. The plot rotates around the whole family, focussing for the most part on Esther and her relationship and the updates on the familys abrupt move to New York. By exposing these stories to synchronization and examination, we can see that they are associated as the story of the family moving ceaselessly compromises the recently discovered connections of Esther and her other relatives Esther and John, Rose and Warren, the guardians with their children. Likewise, this is putting Esthers love for her family and her beau against one another. With respect to structure getting from character, the film is organized such that the character Esther and her success for her affection possesses the initial segment of the film and this is followed up by the abrupt declaration of her familys move to New York by her dad. This is done to guarantee the diversion factor is as yet present by making mellow pressure, as the essential objective is accomp lished and the watchers shouldnt lose intrigue. Singing in the Rain likewise holds fast to the standard of double account as there are various stories or ways for both the male and female heroes. The film depicts the battle of American film studios and their progress from the quiet movies to the talkies. The male hero, Don Lockwood (Gene Kelly), is a quiet film entertainer with humble starting points, who attempts to endure and hold his place in the film business during the change. The female hero, Kathy Selden (Debbie Reynolds), is a hopeful stage on-screen character who is utilized by Lina Lamont to be her voice behind the stage yet she at last is given credit and her vocation prospers. There are opposite side stories which tie into the primary accounts, the most observable one being the story of Lina Lamont, which fills a similar need as the account of the family moving endlessly to New York in Meet Me in St. Louis-to introduce an issue which when settled, reinforces the current accounts, or give a flawless end to the stories. These two primary stories are interwoven all the while and features the logical inconsistencies between the effectively celebrated craftsman and the recently thriving craftsman (Don Lockwood and Kathy Selden), acclaim and ignominy (Don Lockwood and Lina Lamont), abhor went to cherish (on account of Kathy Selden), and so on. These logical inconsistencies are settled by the primary characters becoming hopelessly enamored and this purposes or invigorates these characters the to determine their contentions. The structure is unquestionably gotten from character, particularly from Don Lockwood, whose story eclipses Kathy Seldens account. All the melodic numbers center around Lockwood and his feelings, or makes him the purpose behind the inception of the tune as on account of Cosmo Browns Make Em Laugh or the last melodic number named by Kathy Selden for Lina Lamont. Moulin Rouge! furthermore, Romeo + Juliet are the two musicals coordinated by Baz Luhrmann and discharged in 2001 and 1996 separately. they are both contemporary musicals and they follow the double story way, focussing on the male and female heroes and their accounts feature the distinctions in their character, for example, opportunity and repression, love and cash as on account of Moulin Rouge! what's more, love and loathe, life and demise as on account of Romeo + Juliet. With respect to the structure of these two musicals-Moulin Rouge! focusses on Christians character as the melodic beginnings and closures with him and he is the storyteller of the situations which develop. Satines story is intertwined with Christians and her account is really the reason for the start of Christians story, accordingly framing an endless circle. On account of Romeo + Juliet, it is a free adjustment on the play by Shakespeare, utilizing exchanges from the play itself. The story is driven by Romeos char acter yet it is offset by Juliets account also. All these four movies can be delegated American film musicals yet there are contrasts in the manner ideal world is depicted by these movies. The movies Singing in the Rain and Meet Me in St. Louis realize an ideal world as far as setting (authentic) and emotions (non-illustrative) utilizing different elements one of them being the melodic numbers. In Singing in the Rain, the world it has made is reasonable as the film is based the world over of film and arranged in the period of change from quiet movies to talkies. The idealistic component is delivered by the numbers which give another domain where the characters can act naturally and express their sentiments with no complexities. Dyer says, ideal world is verifiable in the realm of the story and just as in the realm of numbers (Dyer, 1992). At the point when a character breaks into melody, as in the scene where Don Lockwood admits his affection to Kathy Selden (You were intended for me). Dyer says, We are moved by music, yet it has the least evident reference to reality-the force of our reaction to it must be represented by the way music, conceptual, formal however it is, still exemplifies feeling. (Dyer, 1992). The admission scene is deliberately built by Lockwood and described by him, which makes it appear to be sensible, not normal for the other melodic numbers, and this includes to the power of sentiments the tune gives the crowd. Power, as indicated by Dyer, is the limit of amusement to introduce either perplexing or unsavory sentiments (for example association in close to home or political occasions; desire, loss of adoration, rout) such that causes them to appear to be straightforward, immediate and distinctive, not qualified or questionable as everyday life makes them, and without impersonations of self-misdirection and affectation. (Dyer, 1992) The symphonic non-diegetic music additionally includes to the power as the two characters move, with Lockwood urging Selden to hit the dance floor with him lastly through the music, move and verses, their common affections for one another gets passed on to one another. As the camera works out toward the finish of the number, the idealistic scenery and the breezy lights are highlighted, adding the last contacts to the sensible perfect world made by this number. Another scene accused of such sentiments is Don Lockwoods Singing in the Rain, the title melody. The reasonable setting is done through the diegetic downpour going with the whole tune. The instrumental parts now and again muffle the downpours sound yet it is still ever present out of sight. The vivacious music and the move of Lockwood rises above through to the crowd and they can feel his feelings through this number. This idealistic number reaches a conclusion with the interference of the cop where Lock
Wednesday, July 8, 2020
De-bunking Social Media and the Claim to Health - Free Essay Example
Ten years ago, when we wanted to learn about a specific subject you would have to open a newspaper, an encyclopedia, or maybe even do a specific google search. In todays culture, social media keeps us up to date on our friends daily lives, current news, and social happenings. The latest obsession blowing up social media is food! Every day our accounts are filled with a eat this, not that mentality. We see a new food causing cancer, or even better the newest superfood that will help you avoid cancer. How do we know what is true? Just like a filter on a picture, the news we read about our food is tweaked and modified. Research is being masked and modified to fit scenarios to the benefit of the viewer. These false stories get shared across different social media platforms, with no valid checks on the content. We end up blindly following the crowd. People post new diets which offer quick weight loss, but at what cost to the body? What even is a superfood? These are questions we should be asking before we share the link. American pop culture is portrayed through food by fad diets, superfoods, and marketing, through the lens of social media. I contend that most news of health and wellness, on social media, is misleading. According to social media new foods are coming up every day as a superfood. They tend to start like this, deep in the rainforest a new food was found, and it is the cure to all of lifes problems. Soon enough people are shelling out the big bucks for this magical cure. Only to find out, it tastes awful, and it does not work. Sometimes the best superfoods can be found at the local grocery store, but how profitable would that be? Another great question to ask is who is posting the content. Big corporations pay large sums of money for advertising, and social media has become one of their largest platforms. If it gets the consumer to want the product, they do what the consumer wants. Nevertheless, there is a fair amount of information that is hidden in advertising. Many trigger words like, gluten-free and fat-free, are posted to capture the attention of a consumer. Even though they might not even know what gluten is, they might see this product as healthier based on an article they read on Facebook. Periodically, there are some articles and products that are true and fantastic shared. One of the great aspects of social media is the ease of sharing new discoveries. Not everything posted is dishonest, it is knowing how to distinguish the difference. Learning the facts and educating yourself on the best way to be the healthiest you. Food is a great part of our culture, and as Americans, we are all trying to become healthier. We look at our social media accounts every day on multiple platforms. Our friend is showing off their latest acai bowl, or a recipe for keto cookies. We strive to be healthier like them, but is that really what healthy is? Gluten is a protein in bread that created the elasticity and fluffiness. According to an article published in the Journal of Pediatrics, interest in gluten-sensitivity sky rocked in 2013. With only 10% claiming to have true gluten concerns, others think going gluten-free is healthier and digestive friendly. Another term popping up on social media is celiac disease, which refers to ones body not having the enzymes to digest gluten. However, it is highly unlikely that you are one with the disease. It has been shown that only 1% of the population is missing that enzyme (Reilly 2008). For those individuals living life gluten-free is a necessity and should be taken seriously. There are many fad diets that revolve around taking gluten out of the diet. The latest fad diet to come out of these gluten concerns is the keto diet, others that have been popular are Atkins and paleo. While I am sure you will be quick to refer to your friend Suzy who lost 25 pounds on the keto diet. How she posts daily a picture of her healthy fatty, meat meals, sans carbohydrates. A diet that is based on high protein and fat, but low carbohydrates, trying to trick your body into reaching a state of ketosis. Which is when your body uses protein as a fuel source, as opposed to carbohydrates. A promising benefit of the keto diet has been observed amongst the epileptic population (1.2 percent of the total population). Studies do exist to support this claim, but they are only small scale with no conclusive evidence (Hopkins, et al. 2008). In conclusion, diets that lack gluten are only targeted and beneficial towards a very small population. Despite the growing popularity of social media. An intriguing fact to think about is according to the U.S National Library of Medicine, it is estimated that 65% of the population is lacking the lactase enzyme, or lactose intolerant. Most common in people of Asian descent (2018). However, when was the last time a friend posted on social media about cutting lactose out of a diet? That wouldnt be good for the milk companies, one of Americas largest economic foundations. According to a research study done by the Global Dairy Industry, in 2014 the dairy industry was expected to be worth 335.8 billion dollars (Reportbuyer 2014). Maybe gluten is just a cover for lactose? A large-scale study, funded by the national institute of health, involving 15,428 adults over the course of 25 years, assessed high, normal, and low carbohydrate diets. As a result, they found that both high and low carbohydrate diets were linked to higher mortality than a normal carbohydrate diet. Sidelmann and his collogues found animal-based low carbohydrate diets, which are more prevalent in North American and European populations, should be discouraged (Seidelmann, et al. 2018). Overall, no matter what Suzy and your other friends are posting, a moderate diet has proven to be the best diet. Mangosteens, Golgi berries, and acai what do these all have in common? Well other than being hard to pronounce, they have all been deemed by popular vote as a superfood. These foods have been set apart as cures to cancers, heart diseases, and even death. Since we get most of our news from social media, why should we doubt these claims? Especially when the research is coming from well-known universities or mainstream news organizations. A superfood according to Google, a nutrient-rich food considered to be especially beneficial for health and well-being. Fairly vague, right? That is because there is no true definition of a superfood. When held to the defined standards of being beneficial for health and well-being, carrots and apples, or any other whole food would be considered a superfood. So why set these foreign sounding foods apart? It all comes down to money. Robert Davis in his book, The Healthy Skeptic: Cutting Through the Hype about Your Health, he describes a five-step process on how a food becomes a superfood. It all begins with a food manufacturer funds research by a university, they come up with some beneficial findings. Those findings get published. Then, the public relations person from the company blow the findings out of proportions. They use various advertisements and marketing schemas to pop-up on your social media. Next thing you know, you are buying that overpriced exotic pill that dotes being simple and the cure to insert your problem here. The food manufacturer that funded the research just made an instant profit by prying off your weaknesses and abusing marketing (37-42). When it comes to marketing in the food industry, it is hard to distinguish the truth from the trendy. As a society see a claim being marketed back by a research study and automatically assume it is the truth. However, corporate funding for research in nutrition makes it possible to expand and create new studies. It is agreed by most researchers that using corporate money as a bribe to fabricate results would be ludicrous, but the evidence does indicate there is an association with research outcomes and corporate sponsorship. It has been shown that in numerous studies involving milk, soft drinks, and juices studies funded by the industry had a greater positive finding compared to independent studies. As Professor Marion Nestle puts it, it seems counter-intuitive to think that companies would sponsor studies like to produce unfavorable results. (Davis 28). Nestle has a whole book dedicated to the topic of marketing, politics, and nutrition, What to Eat. She states, to make informed decisions about food choice, you need truth in advertising, the whole truth, and nothing but (511). She brings up a point that very few industries profit on us eating healthy. It is more profitable to prevent illnesses than to treat them (11). Think about that next time you see an ad on Facebook for a healthy processed snack. Social media has become an easy marking platform for industries. Be sure to look for randomized clinical trials, where individuals are randomly selected to receive the placebo or the factor being tested, these tend to be the most credible. Thesis studies are the hardest to fabricate. One of the least credible research myths that we fall into is animal research. These studies can have an unpredictable outcome on humans, and therefore should not be linked for credibility. If you have questions about a study that popped up on your social media, look to see what kind of study was done, if it was peer-reviewed and who paid for the study. These two indicators can account for credibility on the research. Another great tool is using a site called Quackwatch who is dedicated to combat health-related myths and frauds (Davis 28-29). Davis, Robert J. The Healthy Skeptic: Cutting through the Hype about Your Health. University of California Press, 2008. 37-42 Hopkins, I. J., and Betty C. Lynch. Use of Ketogenic Diet in Epilepsy in Childhood. Journal of Pediatrics and Child Health. vol.10, no.1111, 10 Mar. 2008. PAGE NUMBER Lactose Intolerance Genetics Home Reference NIH. U.S. National Library of Medicine, National Institutes of Health, 11 Dec. 2018, Nestle, Marion. What to Eat. North Point Press/Farrar, Straus and Giroux, 2007. 11, 511 Reilly, Norelle R. The Gluten-Free Diet: Recognizing Fact, Fiction, and Fad. The Journal of Pediatrics, Mosby, 13 May 2016, ReportBuyer. The Milky Way. PR Newswire: News Distribution, Targeting, and Monitoring, Global Dairy Industry, 19 Aug. 2014, Seidelmann, Sara B, et al. Dietary Carbohydrate Intake and Mortality: A Prospective Cohort Study and Meta-Analysis. The Lancet Public Health, Elsevier, Sept. 2018.
Tuesday, May 19, 2020
The bystander effect Essay - 1223 Words
In the early morning hours of March 13, 1964, twenty-eight year old barmaid Catherine Kitty Genovese was murdered and raped on the street in Kew Gardens, New York. The incident did not initially receive much attention until Martin Gansbergs infamous article, Thirty-Eight Who Saw Murder, Didnt Call the Police, was published in the New York Times two weeks later. In reality, only twelve people witnessed the event yet each did nothing to significantly help Genovese until it was too late. The Genovese murder has become the definitive example of the bystander effect, the social phenomenon in which individuals are less likely to help someone in distress if there are other people present. The bystander effect occurs wherever there isâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦People have a tendency, known as social proof, to believe that others interpretation of the ambiguous situation is more accurate than their own. Hence, a lack of response by others leads them to conclude that the situation is not an emergency and that response is not warranted. Finally, empirical evidence has shown that the bystander effect is negated when the situation is clearly recognized as an emergency. In a 1976 study published in the Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, Lance Shotland and Margaret Straw illustrated that when people witnessed a fight between a man and a woman that they believed to be strangers to each other, they intervened 65 percent of the time. Thus, people often do not respond appropriately to an emergency situation because the situation is unclear to them and as a result, they have misinterpreted it as a non-emergency based on their own past experience or social cues taken from others. The bystander effect also arises from a diffusion of responsibility as each bystander can better rationalize his or her lack of action. In some cases, people assume that in a large group, there will be someone else that is more qualified to help and therefore, each person feels less obligated to act. For example, a doctor is far more qualified to provide medical assistance to a victim and likewise, a police officer or stronger-bodied man can better subdue a perpetrator. If the crowd of bystanders is large,Show MoreRelatedBystander Effect And Crises : Bystander Effects1625 Words à |à 7 Pages Anthony R. Hudgens March 24, 2016 Case Study #4 Bystander Effect and Crises Bystander Effect and Crises A woman by the name of Kitty Genovese was stalked and stabbed to death in an alleyway of Queens, New York, in 1964 (Pugh Henry). It is reported that there were nearly 40 witnesses who heard her screams for help but failed to do so (Colangelo, 2014). Why is it that some individuals tend to shy away from bad situations in which help is clearly needed? 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Profile of My Mother - 1755 Words
Getting to know my Mom It took me eighteen years to spend some quality time with my mother and discover what an incredible journey she has had with my brothers and me. She is the kind of person who has always been very involved with all parts of our daily lives. In fact, she was the kind of mother who always had time for her three sons, worked full-time and had time to devote to community projects too. Her energy and enthusiasm for all of these things seemed endless and she always tried to teach the three of us to see the value in the idea of giving back to the community. I was always glad that she was present at my games and supported me through school, but it took me over a decade to learn what motivated her to be soâ⬠¦show more contentâ⬠¦My mother also says, ââ¬Å"...I am pretty sure God intended for me to have sons. I am more of a tomboy than I am barbie doll. I am sure I would not have done well teaching a daughter how to do all the girlie things. Not to mention, when my nieces were little, I noticed the drama began very early on and they talked incessantly.â⬠Of course she winks and grins with these remarks. She was like a second mother to my cousins and loves them dearly. As much as she is quick to point out the reasons she loved having sons and why they are so easy to raise, there is more to this story. I can t count the times she has asked all of us why we need to scratch ourselves all of the time. This is not something females understand. It is not something males really want or feel they need to explain because it is just what we do. She can laugh about it and enjoyed imitating us and asking if we would like to see her walking around the house in her underwear scratching or fondling her parts. My mother was less tolerant of another brotherly trait ââ¬â squabbling. That was another part of our dynamic which just seemed normal to my brothers and me. We just liked to agitate each other. 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Personal Thinking Style After completing the LSI assessment, my results in the highest percentile were: achievement, self-actualizing, humanistic, affiliative, conventional, oppositional, and a perfectionist. My second highest results were: approval, power, competitiveness, and avoidance. In this passage I will discuss how my high profile results and second highest profile results tie into my life/ work and expound if the traits describe who I actually am. Acheivement
Neural Network Prediction Method â⬠Free Samples to Students
Question: Discuss about the Neural Network Prediction Method. Answer: Introduction FiveStar is a software development organisation this based in Australia. Its operations are spread over two building inside the same campus where in one building its software development team works in a room consists of ten workstations, and in another building, its technical development management team also works with ten computers. While in the same building, the administrative staffs uses twenty computers and each of the networks are connected to a server that provides various services to the workstations for different purposes. Totally, there are 250 employees in the organisation. However, less people are required to work on the computers. The peripherals and the techniques used to build the network is quite outdated in current time and there are many issues in this network that minimises the work speed beside creating the problems. Therefore, it is required to find out the problems in order to be capable to meet the future outcomes of the organisation. The current network is made of three LANs spreading over the two buildings. Admin department uses 20 workstations and a server that are connected together using a switch while in the two other departments the scenario is also same there the devices are also connected over the same switch. Those switches are connected to the router through a single channel from the switch. The reason that the LANs are interconnected over a single channel reduces the data transfer speed while multiple networks are communicating with each other it causes the bottleneck situation. The total number of end devices on the network is 40. Each of the devices requires at least 10Mbps connection to make the communication flawlessly. However, the bottlenecks are the connections that are made of 100Mbps connectivity cables management. While, the network requires every channel to be minimum of (40*10Mbps) 400Mbps to transmit data flawlessly. Current Network Currently the workstations are all connected physically with the switches and those switches are also connected with the router physically. Workstation Switches Servers Printers Routers UTP Cat 5 Cabling The proposed network removes all the switches from the network architecture to reduce the cabling for the network. Where for the software developers new Laptops are allotted that are connected to the network through wireless routers. It reduces the complexity of the network and the procedures to diagnose the problems. On the other hand, the organisation is also opened its new branch that is located 200 kilometres from the current location. Therefore, it is not possible to connect those campuses using personal area network. In this case, Cloud is the best solution that is also less costly to implement. The network services providers are available to provide the tunnelling for the communication happen between the two branches at the desired speed. Laptops Wireless Routers Routers Clouds Objectives of the future network The main objectives of the network are developing a modern network for the organisation. Using those channels to establishing video conferences between the different locations of the organisation it will require its channels to support heavy bandwidth for this purposes. The proposed future network for the organisation will be modified from different perspective as the current plan does not allow users to use office software packages that are unavailable in the system along with the facility of email and Internet. Moving the total system connecting with cloud will provide the users to access the portal from anywhere earlier which was not possible as the network was so simple and it was detached from cloud or the internet too. The new branch that is opened 200 kilometres away required strong connectivity with the current network to maintain the productivity of the organisation management. Different departments work for different purposes. However, through establishing a secure and reliable network the logical distance between the two premises will reduce to zero that will benefit the organisation to focus more on the development phases of the organisation. The organisation needed to upgrade their old network to boost up the network speed and to furthermore add the double number of devices to the network. The employees of the organisation will be able to access the company resources from their office premises as well as from their home as a result of migration towards cloud. Advantages over the old network The Network device will now all run on the desktop operating systems instead of the server OS to reduce the network load which will see a major change in the performance of services. All the departments of the organisation will be connected through fibre optic channels which will allow the departments or branches to establish seamless video conferencing with each other in order to work on the projects which will reduce the efforts of meetings by visiting the main campus from the branch office. There will be plenty of SaaS or software as a service will be in-use that will provide the developers to work on the projects even when they are on the go. Earlier the organisational devices form the network which was very conventional. Therefore, there was no scope for internet usage on the organisational network along with the access to the emailing services. Software were also not directly installed on the system as the desktop workstations were all running on the windows server OS. It was t he server OS which on behalf choose the services and applications are to be used. The high end devices in the web development department will allow to process the developed contents more quickly or faster that are videos, graphics and animations as it requires more resources to process. Moving to internet for providing outsider access to the network will require to install network firewalls in the organisation to monitor and control the security of the network. References Abeygunawardana, A.A.K. and Ledwich, G., 2013, July. Estimating benefits of energy storage for aggregate storage applications in electricity distribution networks in Queensland. InPower and Energy Society General Meeting (PES), 2013 IEEE(pp. 1-5). IEEE. Chen, Z., Liu, A., Li, Z., Choi, Y.J., Sekiya, H. and Li, J., 2017. Energy-efficient broadcasting scheme for smart industrial wireless sensor networks.Mobile Information Systems,2017. Fidalgo, J.N., Couto, M. and Fourni, L., 2016. The worth of network upgrade deferral in distribution systemsTruism or myth management?.Electric Power Systems Research,137, pp.96-103. Mitra, A., Ives, D., Lord, A., Wright, P. and Kar, S., 2015, May. Non-linear impairment modeling for flexgrid network and its application in offline network equipment upgrade strategy. InOptical Network Design and Modeling (ONDM), 2015 International Conference on(pp. 57-62). IEEE. Rafique, D., Rahman, T., Napoli, A., Calabro, S. and Spinnler, B., 2014. Technology options for 400 Gb/s PM-16QAM flex-grid network upgrades.IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,26(8), pp.773-776. Roldn-Blay, C., Escriv-Escriv, G., lvarez-Bel, C., Roldn-Porta, C. and Rodrguez-Garca, J., 2013. Upgrade of an artificial neural network prediction method for electrical consumption forecasting using an hourly temperature curve model.Energy and Buildings,60, pp.38-46. Zhao, Z., Guan, H., Wigard, J., Lee, S., Kim, D.H. and Hwang, K.M., 2015, September. Network Upgrade with LTE-Advanced Small Cells. InVehicular Technology Conference (VTC Fall), 2015 IEEE 82nd(pp. 1-6). IEEE. Zheleva, M., Schmitt, P., Vigil, M. and Belding, E., 2013, December. The increased bandwidth fallacy: performance and usage in rural Zambia. InProceedings of the 4th Annual Symposium on Computing for Development(p. 2). ACM.
Wednesday, April 22, 2020
The 2008 Olympics Impact on China free essay sample
Just as the 1964 Tokyo Olympics and the 1988 Seoul Olympics propelled Japan and South Korea onto the global stage, the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games will be Chinas coming out partyââ¬âan event that showcases Chinas maturation into a great economic and, to a lesser extent, political power. As PRC Premier Wen Jiabao noted on April 24 this year, the Beijing Olympics present an opportunity for China to show the world how democratic, open, civilized, friendly, and harmonious it is. Quick Glance â⬠¢After winning its 2001 bid to host the Olympic Games, China launched a massive seven-year effort to prepare for the event. â⬠¢The huge inflows of investment to support the Olympics and recreate Beijing have had an important ripple effect on economic growth. â⬠¢Though China has experienced some significant hardships this spring, the games will probably be even more important to the country than initially expected. The 2008 Olympics will be among the most expansive ever held, with 16 days of competition from August 8 to 24 in 28 sports inside 37 arenas for 302 gold medals. We will write a custom essay sample on The 2008 Olympics Impact on China or any similar topic specifically for you Do Not WasteYour Time HIRE WRITER Only 13.90 / page In addition to Beijing, six other cities will host Olympic eventsââ¬âHong Kong; Qingdao, Shandong; Qinhuangdao, Hebei; Shanghai; Shenyang, Liaoning; and Tianjinââ¬âmaking the Olympics a national event. China has embraced the basic ideals of the Olympics with its own slogan, One World, One Dream, and has widely promoted a green and high-tech Olympics. To prepare for the games, China invested nearly $40 billion in infrastructure alone from 2002 to 2006, transformed the cityscape of Beijing, made national stars out of PRC Olympic championsââ¬âsuch as high hurdler Liu Xiang and platform diver Guo Jingjingââ¬âand created a great sense of excitement and anticipation among the public. Furthermore, the Olympics have had a significant influence on Beijings economic development, environment, and the growth of the countrys advertising, television, Internet, mobile phone, clean energy, and sports sectors. Building on 30 years of economic reform nd opening and on the substantial economic impact of Chinas 2001 World Trade Organization (WTO) entry, the excitement surrounding the games is pulling many of these sectors onto the international cutting edge. Building a new Beijing After winning the bid to host the 2008 Olympics, China began a massive seven-year effort to meet IOCs demanding conditions for the games. Having researched earlier Olympic games, in particular the Sydney and Atlanta games, the Beijing Organizing Committee for the Games of the XXIX Olympiad (BOCOG) began the enormous task of creating an infrastructure that could support such a massive sporting event. To integrate the activities of key central government ministries, the Beijing Municipal Government, and BOCOG, the PRC government created a high-level working group directed by then-Executive Vice Premier Li Lanqing and, since March 2008, by Xi Jinping, PRC vice president and number six in the Politburo Standing Committee. As Michael Payne, who served as IOCs top marketer for more than 20 years, wrote in Olympic Turnaround, China recognized that a critical factor in creating a successful Olympics would be careful coordination among IOC, BOCOG, and the host city. China studied the example of the Atlanta games, where coordination between the operating committee and the city government was poor, according to Payne. To ensure better coordination, BOCOG was staffed primarily with Beijing Municipal Government officials and General Administration of Sports experts, and was led by Beijing Party Secretary Liu Qi and then-Mayor (now Vice Premier) Wang Qishan. The Beijing Olympics Action Plan, announced by BOCOG President Liu Qi in March 2002, mandated not only sweeping plans to build stadiums and facilities for the Olympics, but a makeover of Beijing itself. In implementing the plan, Beijing made every effort to abide by international tendering standards and to avoid favoritism. It also imposed the template of IOCs global Olympic programs onto the Beijing Olympic program. Some of the projects in which China has invested to prepare for the games include the following: Sports facilities China planned (in some cases, with foreign architects) and built the Olympic Park and the 37 stadiums and venues that will host Olympic events. These include 32 buildings in Beijingââ¬â19 new and 13 refurbishedââ¬âand venues in five other Chinese citiesââ¬âa sailing center in Qingdao and soccer stadiums in Tianjin, Qinhuangdao, Shenyang, and Shanghai. China also constructed 59 training centers and infrastructure projects for the Paralympic Games, to be held in Beijing in September 2008 following the Olympics. Beijings stadiums, in particular the National Stadium (or Birds Nest), are state of the art and well designed, and they will be available for use long after the games are over. Transportation and infrastructure According to Liu Zhi, deputy director of the Beijing Municipal Development and Reform Commission, from 2002 through the beginning of the games, Beijing will spend $1. 1 billion on transportation improvements, such as building and extending Beijings subway system, completing the citys light rail system, and constructing and refurbishing more than 318 km of city streetsââ¬âincluding 23 roads in and around the Olympics sites, two new ring roads around the city, and high-tech traffic control systems. The city has also built an enormous new airport terminal at the Beijing Capital International Airport and extended the toll road to the airport. Urban renewal According to Beijings 11th Five-Year Plan (2006-10), Beijing will spend more than $200 million to demolish dilapidated housing and urban buildings; refurbish 25 historic areas, including many of the citys landmarks, old streets, and beautiful, four-corner residences that date from the imperial period; and restore Beijings many historic places, including the Forbidden City. High technology Chinas capital has budgeted $3. 6 billion to transform Beijing into a digital city by 2008, with widespread use of digital and broadband telecommunications, wireless transmission and networking technologies, and intelligent technologies, including smart cards. An Olympic lift Beijings hosting of the Olympic games has already had a knock-on effect, spurring faster growth or change in several areas. Tourism The number of tourists in Beijing has risen rapidly, a result of the increased visibility that the Olympics bring to the host country. Though stimates of the number of people who will visit China during the Olympicsââ¬âor even the number of people who will visit China this yearââ¬âvary significantly, it is clear that the games are a magnet for tourists. Chen Jian, president of the Beijing Olympic Economic Research Association, estimated in the spring that Beijing will receive roughly 600,000 foreign visitors and 2. 5 million domestic Chinese tourists during the Olympic games and that the number of foreign tourists in Beijing will grow 8 to 9 percent annually in the decade following the games because of the games themselves. According to the China National Tourism Administration, Beijing had 3. 8 million foreign visitor arrivals in 2007, up 11. 8 percent over 2006, and China had 42. 4 million foreign visitor arrivals last year, up 20. 8 percent over 2006. ) The number of hotels in Beijing has also jumped in recent years. Since China entered the WTO and won its Olympic bid, the country has reduced hotel ownership restrictions. Starting in 2002, foreign investors could own a majority stake in hotels, and in 2006, wholly foreign-owned hotels were permitted. These moves cleared the way for an extensive expansion of foreign-owned hotels and other tourism facilities. Environmental improvements Every Beijing resident is keenly aware of the citys environmental challenges. Air quality, particularly in the summer, can be less than optimal, with particulate matter at alarmingly high levels. Though Beijing has taken steps to improve air quality, such as ordering coal-burning power plants to reduce emissions, construction projects to halt during the period around the Olympic games, and 200 heavily polluting factories to move out of the city, air quality will remain a worry for the athletes who participate in the games. Under the Beijing Sustainable Development Plan, China launched 20 projects to improve the quality of Beijings environment, with an overall investment of $12. 2 billion. The city has established new wastewater treatment plants, solid-waste processing facilities, and green belts and built a fleet of clean buses for the games. Beijing has phased out ozone-depleting substances ahead of schedule, made use of water- or air-source heat pump systems to save energy in Olympic stadiums, replaced 47,000 old taxis and 7,000 diesel buses, and began requiring vehicles to meet EU emissions standards.
Monday, March 16, 2020
How nurses can advance in their careers if they dont want to be nurses forever
How nurses can advance in their careers if they dont want to be nurses forever Sometimes we get so focused on our current jobs that we forget to focus on ââ¬Å"the big professional picture,â⬠which includes our entire career arc- from start to finish. The truth is, we should always think about our professional lives as a journey rather than a single destination and have a plan for the next rungs on our career ladders while we give our best effort on our current step. This includes all of the nurses out there. While being a nurse is an important and satisfying job that demands a great deal of focus and attention, and also offers professional challenges and options, nurses should also devote some time towards thinking about their full career journeys- and whether or not they want to be nurses forever.It isnââ¬â¢t uncommon for someone whoââ¬â¢s traveled deep (or not so deep) into a career path to start thinking about other paths- many people who are mid-stream in their careers start thinking about making changes, often in an effort to take on new chall enges, build new skills, and expand their horizons. We should never feel ââ¬Å"locked intoâ⬠a career path just because weââ¬â¢ve been at it for several years. Career satisfaction is an important concept to strive for, and if youââ¬â¢re experiencing professional fatigue, malaise, or burnout on the job, it may be a sign that you might want a change.The prospect of a major career change or overhaul can be a scary one, but hereââ¬â¢s some good news for nurses who may be dealing with this- nurses often have a wealth of valuable, transferable skills that they could use effectively in a variety of professional settings and scenarios.Nurses build a wide array of key skills during their tenures that they can use to their advantage in other professional roles. They are typically adept at problem-solving, planning, and organization in a variety of high-pressure situations. They build and routinely demonstrate critical management and leadership skills, and are usually quite effe ctive at time management. In addition, the nature of their work helps them build key people skills- itââ¬â¢s no surprise to learn that nurses possess excellent communication and teamwork abilities, and also demonstrate empathy towards others. Whatââ¬â¢s more, the unpredictable nature of nursing helps nurses become adaptable and flexible in all sorts of situations. All of these skills are useful in careers across industries and fields- whether in nursing or beyond healthcare. Many nurses also choose to obtain an advanced nursing degree, which allows them to pursue other career opportunities beyond nursing but within healthcare. Areas of specialization include nurse anesthetists, nurse attorneys, nurse researchers, and nurse midwives.Hereââ¬â¢s the bottom line- if youââ¬â¢re a nurse whoââ¬â¢s considering a career change, thereââ¬â¢s a lot to be optimistic about. Youââ¬â¢re likely equipped with a wealth of valuable experience and transferable skills that will serve you well in whatever career path you choose to pursue. Good luck!
Saturday, February 29, 2020
Beliefs Taken to the Extremes
Believing extreme faith is a fundamental characteristic of man. Faith in many things is a factor that helps people keep on living. Religion is one of the most powerful powers of human emotions, and these emotions often create dangerous situations. When people's religious beliefs reach an extreme level, innocent people may be hurt. There was an example of such a case in history. From the Inquisition in Israel to the battle in Ireland, the recent events in the World Trade Center, people have seen extreme religious beliefs. I think Christians argue that they believe extreme things. To become extreme. Even simple beliefs on monotheism can not be measured. In a sense, there are God, God, Almighty, omniscience, ubiquitous - creator of the universe. This is a belief that shakes the foundation of the earth. But who do you believe? In theology, many people believe it. But they do not believe in their beliefs. They will be questioned to believe what they believe. I believe in God. I believe in God. What does this mean, is there a god? How does this affect me? What does that mean for my reality? Believing extreme faith is a fundamental characteristic of man. Faith in many things is a factor that helps people keep on living. Religion is one of the most powerful powers of human emotions, and these emotions often create dangerous situations. When people's religious beliefs reach an extreme level, innocent people may be hurt. There was an example of such a case in history. Unlike professional sports, from university hearings to suicide bombers, college sports are very violent and unaffiliated by university stakeholders. Before 1850 there was nothing like university sports. College staff knows that students are seeking physical liberation, so the way to cope with the epidemic is through physical labor. They allow students to cultivate or cleanse debris from the university campus. University officials think this is positive as this gives the students body.
Thursday, February 13, 2020
Essay questions Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words - 13
Questions - Essay Example The executive branch is conferred ââ¬Å"with exemptions and qualificationsâ⬠in the President of the United States; he also has the power to veto laws (Davis 1). The president is not obliged to enforce the law; instead, the presidentââ¬â¢s minions should perform these duties. Lastly, the judicial branch of the government has the authority to decide over cases and disputes. This power is conferred to the Supreme Court and lower courts as recognized by the Congress. Each branch of the United States national government possesses powers that it can utilize to check and balance the functions and activities of the other two branches. Declaring George Washingtonââ¬â¢s greatest achievement would always be subjective and indefinite in nature; but, in all probability, he desisted from taking more power than what was appropriate (Wood 105). After his resignation as the Commander-in-Chief of the continental Army, the people wanted him to become the King of the newly-formed nation; nevertheless, he refused to accept this fate, and instead, he wanted to have a democratic and free country. He was thorough of upholding a good standing by precluding political conspiracy. He showed no attention and notice over partiality and cronyism. Perhaps his greatest failure was when he approved the passing of The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, which provided slaveholders the right to regain their property; also, to help a runaway slave is a grave crime, which eventually permitted the proliferation of slave chasers within the United Statesââ¬â¢ territories. This is a rather subtle move to sustain slavery, which is contradictory to his desire to create a democratic and free country. On the whole, Washingtonââ¬â¢s administration led the successful emancipation of the slaves, which although hampered in his initial decision to implement The Fugitive Slave Act of 1793, eventually
Saturday, February 1, 2020
Motivating Employees and Team building Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 3000 words
Motivating Employees and Team building - Essay Example Motivation is something abstract and the difficulties arise when one tries to explain its meaning and application. A wide variety of assumptions have been made on motivation by observing the resultant behaviour of motivation. Based on these assumptions and research findings, motivation has been defined in a number of ways. Vroom defines motivation as a process, which governs choices made by persons or lower organisms among alternative forms of voluntary activity. (Vroom, 1964 as cited in Putti) Motivations are the act of inducing an individual to follow a desired course of action. The desired course of action may be for the good of the individual or for the one who is inducing the individual towards a desired course of action or both. Zedeck and blood contend that motivation is a predisposition to act in a specific goal-directed way. (Sedeck & Blood, 1974 as cited in Putti) Atchison further defines Motivation as the immediate influence on the direction, vigor, and persistence of beha viour. (Atchison, 1964 as cited in Putti) on the other hand Gellerman defines motivation as steering one's actions towards certain goals and committing a certain part of one's energies to reach them. (Gellerman, 1963 as cited in Putti) In the view of Shartle, motivation is "a reported urge or tension to move in a given direction or to achieve a certain goal. (Shartle, 1956 as cited in Putti) Hence, Motivation can make the employees get all the targets settled by the Organisations. There are several ways by which employees can be motivated the most important is to address the needs of the employees. Just as the definition of basic human needs is a highly complex task, it naturally follows that there are no easy assumptions concerning what employees really want from the organisation. In various surveys, the following are some of the more typically specified wants. The first and the foremost important are pay. This want helps in satisfying physiological, security, and egoistic needs. The design of a monetary compensation system is exceedingly complex since it serves to satisfy multiple needs and cannot alone motivate the whole person. After the payment needs Security of job is another important motivating factor. Because of threats from technological change, this want is high on the list or priorities for many employees and labour unions. The underlying need of general security is also high on the list of priorities in the suggested need hierarchy of Maslow. However management can aid the process by carefully planned and executed induction programs, provision of means to socialise through rest periods and recreational programs, and promoting the formation of work teams through proper work-station layouts and human-related work procedures. With all the above, the provision of credit for work done is also an important motivator. This want issues from the egoistic classification of needs and can be supplied by management through verbal praise of excellent work, monetary rewards for suggestions, and public recognition through awards. Releases in employee's newspapers, and the like. Also, Job enrichment issues from both the need for recognition and the drive toward self-realisation and achievement is an important
Friday, January 24, 2020
Destruction and Failure of a Generation in Fitzgeraldââ¬â¢s The Great Gatsb
The Great Gatsby and the Destruction of a Generation à à à The beauty and splendor of Gatsby's parties masks the decay and corruption that lay at the heart of the Roaring Twenties. The society of the Jazz Age, as observed by Fitzgerald, is morally bankrupt, and thus continually plagued by a crisis of character. Jay Gatsby, though he struggles to be a part of this world, remains unalterably an outsider. His life is a grand irony, in that it is a caricature of Twenties-style ostentation: his closet overflows with custom-made shirts; his lawn teems with "the right people," all engaged in the serious work of absolute triviality; his mannerisms (his false British accent, his old-boy friendliness) are laughably affected. Despite all this, he can never be truly a part of the corruption that surrounds him: he remains intrinsically "great." Nick Carrway reflects that Gatsby's determination, his lofty goals, and most importantly the grand character of his dreams sets him above his vulgar contemporaries. F. Scott Fitzgerald constructs Gatsby a s a true American dreamer, set against the decay of American society during the 1920s. By eulogizing the tragic fate of dreamers, Fitzgerald thereby denounces 1920s America as an age of blindness and greed an age hostile to the work of dreaming. In The Great Gatsby, Fitzgerald heralds the ruin of his own generation. à Since America has always held its entrepreneurs in the highest regard, one might expect Fitzgerald to glorify this heroic version of the American Dreamer in the pages of his novel. Instead, Fitzgerald suggests that the societal corruption which prevailed in the 1920s was uniquely inhospitable to dreamers; in fact, it was these men who led the most unfortunate lives of all... ...ible Honesty: Mongrel Manhattan in the 1920s. New York: Farrar, Straus, and Giroux, 1995. Fielder, Leslie. "Some Notes on F. Scott Fitzgerald." Mizener 70-76. Fitzgerald, F. Scott. The Great Gatsby. 1925. New York: Scribner Classic, 1986. Hobsbawm, Eric. The Age of Extremes. New York: Pantheon, 1994. Posnock, Ross. "'A New World, Material Without Being Real': Fitzgerald's Critique of Capitalism in The Great Gatsby." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 201-13. Raleigh, John Henry. "F. Scott Fitzgerald's The Great Gatsby." Mizener 99-103. Spindler, Michael. American Literature and Social Change. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1983. Trilling, Lionel. "F. Scott Fitzgerald." Critical Essays on Scott Fitzgerald's "Great Gatsby." Ed. Scott Donaldson. Boston: Hall, 1984. 13-20. Ã
Wednesday, January 15, 2020
Cassius Analysis
Edgar KarapetyanKarapetyan 1 1 October 2012 Cassius vs. Rome Character Analysis Essay ââ¬Å"The first method for estimating the intelligence of a ruler is to look at the men he has around him. â⬠In William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s ââ¬Å"The Tragedy Of Julius Caesarâ⬠, there are many dangerous people who are around Caesar. Cassius, supposedly one of Caesars close friends, devises a group called the Conspirators to end Caesars time of rule. This play shows how they kill him, and how Rome goes through chaos as a result.Cassius is a fascinating character created by Shakespeare. Although Antony shows many characteristics of an intelligent person, Cassius is the smartest character in this play because he has more admirable traits. A great trait to have as an individual is the power to manipulate people into doing whatever you want. Fortunately, Cassius has that ability. After devising a plan to assassinate Caesar, he searched for a particular group of people who were powerful and had the same wish he had. The most important person for his team was Brutus. The fault, dear Brutus, is not in our stars, but in ourselves, that we are underlingsâ⬠(28) is what Cassius tells Brutus to try and pursue him to join the conspirators. He said that Caesars rise is their fault because they are not doing anything to stop it. Cassius used his smart, clever, and manipulative ways to tell Brutus that basically, you are helping Rome by killing Caesar. ââ¬Å"And since you know you cannot see yourself/ so well as by reflection, I, your glass/ Will modestly discover to yourselfâ⬠(25) is said to Brutus to persuade him to join the conspiracy because Cassius will help him find himself.It is this manipulative ability that allows Cassius to carry out his plan and, ultimately, kill Caesar. Imagine how difficult it would be to kill a ruler. It is practically impossible unless you have the mind of a genius and the sharpness of a killer. Thanks to Cassiusââ¬â¢ clever mind and precise planning, he accomplished this goal. Even though he ended up killing himself, he successfully completed his mission. . ââ¬Å"He reads much;/He is a great observer, and he looks/ Quite through the deeds of menâ⬠(30-31) is said by Julius Caesar to describe Cassius. This shows that even though Julius Caesar is a stubborn, selfish person, he sees Cassiusââ¬â¢ power.Cassius was like Michael Jordan in the 1991 NBA Finals. He was committed to succeeding his mission no matter what it took. ââ¬Å"Yond' Cassius has a lean and hungry look; He thinks too much: such men are dangerousâ⬠(30). Based on what Caesar said about Cassius, this shows that he is so focused, other people can easily see it in his face. Cassius used his skills for the wrong reasons, but you can definitely see what kind of person he really is. The flaw that Cassius has that is very easily seen throughout this play is his jealousy of Caesar. Cassius wants the people to look at him the way they look at Ca esar. ââ¬ËBut in ourselves, that we are underlings. Brutus and Caesar: what should be in that ââ¬â¢Caesarââ¬â¢? Why should that name be sounded more than yours? ââ¬â¢ (28). By trying to kill him, he thought that they would see him and Brutus as their saviors, but, instead, they saw them as traitors of Rome due to Antonyââ¬â¢s words. ââ¬Å"I was born free as Caesar; so were you: / we both have fed as well, and we can both / Endure the winter's cold as well as heâ⬠(27) is what Cassius says about Caesar. Cassius believes that he is just as great as Caesar and does not think that Caesar should be treated specially.Cassiusââ¬â¢ eye for power is what causes him to kill himself. He saw that his plan had gone too far and that he would be captured so he committed suicide. Unlike Cassius, Brutus had killed Caesar for the love of Rome. Cassius is truly the villain in this story by Shakespeare. ââ¬Å"The only thing necessary for the triumph of villains is for good men t o do nothingâ⬠Edmund burke. In William Shakespeareââ¬â¢s The Tragedy Of Julius Caesar, the good men of Rome do not allow the villain, which in this case is Cassius, to go without being punished.They pursue him until he is forced to commit suicide. Among these good people, there is Octavius, Lepidus, and most importantly, Antony. Sometimes, the smartest character is not necessarily the good guy. Through his cleverness, manipulative ability and hate for Caesar, Cassius accomplished what was practically impossibleâ⬠¦ to kill a God. Works Cited ââ¬Å"Notable Quotes in Julius Caesar. â⬠Notable Quotes in Julius Caesar. N. p. , n. d. Web. 08 Oct. 2012. ;http://www. shakespeare-navigators. com/JC_Navigator/notable_quotes. html;.
Tuesday, January 7, 2020
The History of Containment Policy
Containment was a foreign policy strategy followed by the United States during the Cold War. First laid out by George F. Kennan in 1947, the policy stated that communism needed to be contained and isolated, or else it would spread to neighboring countries. American foreign policy advisors believed that once one country fell to communism, each surrounding country would fall as well, like a row of dominoes. This view was known as the domino theory. Adherence to the policy of containment and domino theory ultimately led to U.S. intervention in Vietnam as well as in Central America and Grenada. Containment Policy The Cold War began after World War Two when nations formerly under Nazi rule ended up split between the conquests of the U.S.S.R. and the newly freed states of France, Poland, and the rest of Nazi-occupied Europe. Since the United States had been a key ally in liberating western Europe, it found itself deeply involved in this newly divided continent: Eastern Europe wasnt being turned back into free states, but rather being placed under the military and political control of the Soviet Union. Further, western European countries appeared to be wobbling in their democracies because of socialist agitation and collapsing economies, and the United States began to suspect that the Soviet Union was deliberately destabilizing these countries in an effort to bring them into the folds of communism. Even countries themselves were dividing in half over the ideas of how to move forward and recover from the last world war. This resulted in a lot of political and military turmoil for the years to come, with such extremes as the establishment of theà Berlin Wallà to separate East and West Germany due to the opposition to communism. The United States developed its policy of containment to prevent communism from spreading further into Europe and the rest of the world. The concept was first outlined in George Kennans Long Telegram, which he sent from the U.S. Embassy in Moscow. The message arrived in Washington, D.C., on February 22, 1946, and was circulated widely around the White House. Later, Kennan published the document as an article titled The Sources of Soviet Conduct ââ¬â which became known as X Article because Kennan used the pseudonym Mr. X. The policy of containment was adopted by President Harry Truman as part of his Truman Doctrine in 1947, which redefined Americas foreign policy as one that supports the free people who are resisting attempted subjugation by armed minorities or outside pressures. This came at the height of the Greek Civil War of 1946-1949 when much of the world was waiting to see which direction Greece and Turkey would go, and the United States agreed to help both countries to avoid the possibility that the Soviet Union would lead them to communism. The Creation of NATO Acting deliberately (and at times aggressively) to involve itself in the border states of the world and prevent them from turning communist, the United States spearheaded a movement that would eventually lead to the creation of the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO). The group alliance represented a multi-national commitment to halting the spread of communism. In response, the Soviet Union signed an agreement called the Warsaw Pact with Poland, Hungary, Romania, East Germany, and several other nations. Containment in the Cold War: Vietnam and Korea Containment remained central to American foreign policy throughout the Cold War, which saw rising tensions between the United States and the Soviet Union. In 1955, the United States entered what some historians consider a proxy war with the Soviet Union, by sending troops into Vietnam to support the South Vietnamese in their battle against the communist North Vietnamese. The United States involvement in the war lasted until 1975, the year the North Vietnamese captured the city of Saigon. A similar conflict took place during the early 1950s in Korea, which was likewise divided into two states. In the fight between North Korea and South Korea, the United States backed the South, while the Soviet Union backed the North. The war ended with an armistice in 1953 and the establishment of the Korean Demilitarized Zone, a 160-mile barrier between the two states.
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